貓子工作室 Postgal Workshop
貓子工作室 Postgal Workshop
[ Illustrator ]
Din Dong –created by Postgal. Postgal was awarded as the Best Artist in the Hong Kong Arts Development Award; her work was awarded Grand Prize in Japan TBS competition. Its animation is screened in Japan BS11 TV Station, and featured in the 34th Hong Kong International Film Festival and is awarded in Tokyo Asiagraph. Following with an interview by Japan Yomiuri newspaper. Illustration books were published by Joint Publishing. www.din-dong.net

When I got this figure, my first impression was: It looks like a white snowman! Therefore I drew a scarf and a coat for him. However, it still looks cold even with my illustration lines, so I gave him a real coat. My cat "Din Dong" is always by my side whenever it's cold, thus I also place a Din Dong next to the figure, so as to make him feel warm as I do.